
CPII supported the "Restore Land, Restore Hope 2024" Seminar by leveraging AI-based technology for subtitles, translations, and summaries(只提供英文版本)

CPII supported the "Restore Land, Restore Hope 2024" Seminar by leveraging AI-based technology for subtitles, translations, and summaries(只提供英文版本)

We are proud to announce that CPII supported the “Restore Land, Restore Hope 2024” seminar organized by World Vision in Macau on 7th June 2024 in using the CPII Meeting Assistant Speech to Summary, which provides AI-based subtitles, translations and summaries for conferences, seminars and workshops.

This seminar focused on actions to combat climate change and featured distinguished speakers, including Mr. Tony Rinaudo, a renowned agronomist and Right Livelihood (Alternative Nobel Prize) laureate. CPII provided technical support for the seminar and deployed our CPII Meeting Assistant Speech to Summary, an advanced AI-based tool that proficiently executes real-time speech-to-text and text-to-speech translation. By offering English-to-Chinese real-time subtitles, it enabled the audience from diverse language backgrounds to better comprehend the seminar content. This facilitated a more inclusive and comprehensive experience for all participants, ensuring that language barriers did not hinder their ability to fully engage with the seminar and gain a deeper understanding of the speakers’ messages.

The seminars was successfully held last Friday. We are excited to contribute to this meaningful event and showcase how our AI solutions can facilitate greater understanding and engagement with global challenges.

For more information about CPII Meeting Assistant Speech to Summary, please visit:

For more information about the event, please visit: