CUHK Innovation & Entrepreneurship Exhibition

CUHK Innovation & Entrepreneurship Exhibition from 22 to 28 Aug 2024

CPII is pleased to participate in the CUHK Innovation & Entrepreneurship Exhibition, the first large-scale community exhibition at Shatin New Town Plaza held from 22 – 28 Aug 2024, showcasing cutting-edge research projects with programmes including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and STEM experiential workshops for the public. The opening ceremony is officiated by Mr Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong government, Professor John Chai, Chairman of the Council at CUHK, and Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, along with Mr Christopher Kwok Kai-wang, Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited.

Centre Director Professor Helen Meng and Principal Investigator Professor Yeung Yam warmly welcomed Mr. Paul Chan and Professor Rocky S. Tuan at the CPII booth. They demonstrated CPII’s innovative projects, highlighting cutting-edge technological advancements, and engaged in insightful discussions.

Throughout the exhibition, CPII’s Principal Investigators, Professor Rosanna Chan and Professor Eric Lo, along with CPII members of the development team, demonstrated their innovative inventions to the public. These included the CPII Meeting Assistant Speech to Summary, CPII ChatDoc Master, the First Controllable Cantonese Text-to-Personalized Speech Generation Technology, AI-based Personalized Design and Fabrication, Femtosecond Projection Nanoprinter, Motion-I2V: Consistent and Controllable Image-to-Video Generation with Explicit Motion Modeling, Edge AI Technologies for Infrastructure-Assisted Autonomous Driving, FlashLight: AI Search on Video, and Smart Augmentative and Alternative Communication.


For more details, please visit the following links:

CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office’s press release:
“CUHK Entrepreneur Day 10th Anniversary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition” launches to showcase achievements by faculty, students and alumni

Media Coverage
The Standard: Chan wants unis to kick on in making research pay off

China Daily: Chan: Local economic climate may stabilize for the rest of the year

文匯網:為機械人製皮膚 中大:人機可減碰撞

星島:陳茂波 : 發展創科要有掌握前沿科技人才 如踢波要有「左右兩翼」及「中場」陳茂波-發展創科要有掌握前沿科技人才-如踢波要/4967537#page3

香港01: 中大創新創業展為期一周 參展涵蓋人工智能、農業及醫療研發項目 原文網址: 中大創新創業展為期一周 參展涵蓋人工智能、農業及醫療研發項目專上教育/1050371/中大創新創業展為期一周-參展涵蓋人工智能-農業及醫療研發項目

香港商報:中大今起至28日舉辦創新創業展覽 展示創科成果
